Radix sort by key
We often wish to sort an array by some property of the elements,
rather than the elements themselves. The radix
sort example can be modified to allow this by
parameterising over a function f
of type t -> u32
to sort an
array of type-t
elements by the integer produced by f
def radix_sort_step [n] 't (f: t -> u32) (xs: [n]t) (b: i32): [n]t =
let bits = map (\x -> (i32.u32 (f x >> u32.i32 b)) & 1) xs
let bits_neg = map (1-) bits
let offs = reduce (+) 0 bits_neg
let idxs0 = map2 (*) bits_neg (scan (+) 0 bits_neg)
let idxs1 = map2 (*) bits (map (+offs) (scan (+) 0 bits))
let idxs2 = map2 (+) idxs0 idxs1
let idxs = map (\x->x-1) idxs2
let xs' = scatter (copy xs) (map i64.i32 idxs) xs
in xs'
def radix_sort [n] 't (f: t -> u32) (xs: [n]t): [n]t =
loop xs for i < 32 do radix_sort_step f xs i
The only change compared to the original radix sort is that we use
to extract a representative integer.
See also
Merge sort, matching parentheses.
The sorts library.