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Source file: plot-histogram.fut

Plotting a histogram

This can be done by computing a histogram in Futhark and then using a box plot. Here we produce some arbitrary values, discretised aong k bins.

def plot k n : ([]i64,[]i32) =
  let vs = iota n |> map (f64.i64 >-> f64.cos >-> (+1) >-> (*(f64.i64 k/2)) >-> i64.f64)
  in (iota k,
      hist (+) 0 k vs (replicate n 1))
> :gnuplot {data=plot 100 10000};
set xrange [0:100];
set style fill solid 1.0
plot data with boxes

See also

Gnuplots built-in support for histograms.

Generalised histograms.