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Source file: histograms.fut

Computing histograms

Mathematically, a histogram is a discretised representation of a probability distribution. A histogram computation takes as input a collection of elements, maps each to one of k bins, and counts the number of elements that fall into each bin (discarding invalid bins). In Futhark, histogram-like computations can be done with hist:

def histogram [n] (k: i64) (is: [n]i64): [k]i32 =
  hist (+) 0 k is (replicate n 1)

For example, histogram 3 [0, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1] produces [3, 3, 1]. Note that out-of-bounds bins (the 3) are ignored.

hist is a surprisingly flexible function. In imperative pseudocode, we can describe the behaviour of hist f ne k is as as:

dest = replicate k ne
for j < length is:
  i = is[j]
  a = as[j]
  if i >= 0 && i < k:
    dest[i] = f(dest[i], a)

The f function must be associative and have ne as its neutral element (like with scans and reductions). Furthermore, it must also be commutative, which simply means that f x y == f y x.

There is also a variant, reduce_by_index, where the destination array is updated operationally in-place.

See also

Removing duplicates