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On Nontermination and Optimisation in Futhark

Posted on March 17, 2023 by Troels Henriksen

We claim that Futhark a purely functional language - entirely free of side effects! And it really is pure, unlike the ostensibly pure Haskell which somehow still found it useful to add a highly efficient concurrent IO manager to its runtime system.

The reason Futhark is pure is because it simplifies program transformation, and program transformation in the form of automatic compiler optimisation is the whole reason Futhark exists. In this post I will talk about how Futhark - as is clearly customary among purely functional languages - still has to deal with effects, and how our handling of them has evolved.

Optimising away effects

The core principle underlying compiler optimisation is that optimisation must not change the result of the program. If only programmers did not care so much about the program result, the life of the compiler writer would be much simpler. We can make this principle a bit more precise by saying that when the original program p(x) applied to an input x produces some result, then optimised program applied to the same input (p_opt(x)) must produce the same result. (This can be made even more precise by involving the actual formal semantics of the language and specifying what “same result” means, but let’s keep it high level here.)

One of the simplest optimisations is removing dead code. If some part of the program is never run, then it is clearly safe to remove. Closely related is code that is run and computes a result, but where the result is never used:

let x' = f x
let y' = f y
in y'

Since x' is not used in the result, we can remove it without changing the program result. It is only that easy because Futhark is pure. If f had any side effects, removing it would only be valid if those effects had no influence on the program result. In general, determining this can require quite complicated inter-procedural analysis. The purity of Futhark makes it much easier to identify when code can be removed or re-ordered - it is safe whenever explicit data dependencies are preserved.

Becoming correct

Of course, Futhark is only pure if you ignore one particularly thorny effect: nontermination. This category of effects denotes not just the obvious one of infinite loops, but also things such as integer division by zero and out-of-bounds array accesses. Futhark does not allow the handling of such errors from within the program itself (although they can be detected from the outside), and are thus considered outside the language semantics. Consider this expression:

let x = a/b
let y = c/d
in y

Since x is unused we can remove it as dead. However, what if there is some input where b=0, d!=0? Then the non-optimised program will perform a catastrophic division by zero, while the optimised program will terminate successfully. This is a deviation from our core principle that optimisation should not change the program result. Yet is awfully inconvenient for the compiler to preserve all nontermination, since it can lurk behind any function call. Also, if we care to preserve nontermination, we may also desire to preserve the kind of nontermination - an infinite loop is distinct from an out-of-bounds access - and then we are suddenly very constrained in how we reorder and remove code! We are close to losing the ease-of-transformation that makes Futhark attractive in the first place.

When convenience clashes with principles, the easiest best solution is to revise one’s principles. Thus we redefine our notion of valid optimisation to state that if p(x) terminates with some value v, then p_opt(x) must terminate with that same value v. If p(x) does not terminate, then p_opt(x) may or may not terminate with a value. In truth, I would prefer a slightly stronger statement that constraints the values that p_opt(x) may produce - after all, it is not allowed to do anything. We do not wish to join the wild ride of C-style undefined behaviour. So far it is not yet clear to how to succinctly and precisely constrain the behaviour of p_opt(x). Clearly, execution should still be memory-safe and all that, and the value produced should have the right type.

Becoming useful

But other issues remain. Let us consider a slightly more complicated optimisation. The function iota n produces an integer array [0,1,...,n-1]. This means that if

let xs = iota n


let x = xs[i]

can be optimised to

let x = i

But hold on! That array index might fail if i, which might be user input, is out of bounds. Our optimisation removed an instance of nontermination. Strictly speaking, this is in accordance with our revised principles. Such an optimisation is technically correct, which is of course the best kind of correct. But is it useful? Some forms of nontermination serve an important purpose as input validation, and programmers may be dismayed to find that their programs produce (well-typed!) garbage for invalid input. These programmers may not even be consoled by a reminder that the compiler is technically correct.

Basically, we wish to preserve the ability to easily rewrite the program, while preserving safety checks. To accomplish this, the Futhark intermediate representation makes safety checks explicit with an assert expression:

let c = assert (0 <= i && i < n)

If assert is passed a false value, it will halt execution with an error. Otherwise it returns a “certificate”; a dummy value of type unit that has no run-time representation. To prevent assert from being removed as dead code, we add a special data dependency to the expression guarded by the assertion:

let x = <c> xs[i]

That <c> notation is a “certificate list” that forces whatever expression produces c (the assert) to be computed before the array index expression. Essentially we have taken a control dependency and turned it into an explicit data dependency. This means the compiler can continue to reason solely in terms of data dependencies.

Optimisations now merely have to propagate these certificate dependencies, such as for the iota-indexing example:

let x = <c> i

If the program contains multiple sources of nontermination that do not directly depend on each other, it is still not guaranteed which of them will take precedence at runtime. That is one sacrifice we must make in order to make code motion reasonably easy.

The main downside is that every optimisation must be careful to do this properly. However, the principle is not terribly complicated: simply take the union of the certificates of the expressions whose information is being considered while performing the optimisation. And if you miss one, well, it’s still technically correct.

Another advantage of this scheme is that now safety checks can be optimised and moved independently of the expressions they protect - for example to hoist them out of loops. That was in fact the original motivation for this design, which came very early on in the development of Futhark, before we figured out how to perform bounds checking on a GPU.