Reflections on Advent of Code 2022 in Futhark
Advent of Code is a website by Eric Wastl that since 2015 has published a daily programming puzzle from the 1st to 25th of December. It is also a contest, where people compete to see who can finish them first. I don’t like programming competitions myself, but I enjoy the social aspect of AoC where you can discuss solutions with your friends and colleagues, and most of the problems are simple and interesting enough that they don’t take too long. Futhark is not a good choice for solving these kinds of puzzles - there is no guarantee that any meaningful parallelism is present, and the dearth of libraries for basic data structures sometimes make solutions more tedious than one would prefer. Still, I decided to give it a try.
I also did Advent of Code in Futhark in 2018. However, because Futhark is not a very good language for string processing, I wrote Python programs to parse the text input and generate values in Futhark’s native data format. But then in 2021, Snektron did Advent of Code in Futhark including parsing (probably because this was not nearly as difficult as implementing a compiler in Futhark). I decided I also had to do that.
And so I did! Here is Advent of Code 2022 fully implemented in Futhark. The puritan will note that there still is a tiny Python program that prepends a header so that Futhark will be able to recognise a file as a byte array. The input parsing was much less problematic than I expected, and for some problems were actually the only place where parallelism was possible! The main task is splitting the input into strings, and I just so happened to have recently written a word splitter that was easy to convert to a line splitter. Beyond that, ad-hoc parsing methods were quite sufficient.
The Advent of Code problems are not specifically designed for parallel execution, but I was amazed at how many of them actually permitted meaningful use of parallel algorithms this year - although the problem input sizes were usually much too small for parallelism to be beneficial.
Bottom line up front: I can definitely recommend designing your own programming language and then solve Advent of Code problems with it. Here follows a brief summary of my observations for each problem.
Day 1 (.fut): Frankly much more complex than I expected for a Day 1 problem, involving both segmented reductions and radix sort. I was a bit worried here.
Day 2 (.fut): Solving a bunch of rock-paper-scissors problems in parallel. Quite trivial.
Day 3 (.fut): Also a fairly trivial map-reduce, where I’m mostly proud of using bit vectors to represent sets of a small domain, then bitwise-or to perform set union. Low-level bit fiddling is delightfully convenient in Futhark.
Day 4 (.fut): Had the first complex parsing problem (each line must be split into fields), which I did sequentially. Beyond that, it was another map-reduce.
Day 5 (.fut): Probably the worst parsing experience of the entire series, and the actual problem (simulating a crane moving around stacks of crates, Hanoi-style) is completely sequential. I do know of one person who managed to come up with a list homomorphism formulation of the problem, but it is very complicated.
Day 6 (.fut): Again a map-reduce, and again using bit vectors to represent sets. I enjoyed this one.
Day 7 (.fut): Oh no, this is very inappropriate for Futhark. Here we have to reconstruct a tree given a description of a walk of the tree. Fortunately, Aaron Hsu has written an entire PhD thesis about tree processing in array programming, and I was able to use his technique (which is APL folklore I think) to construct an ancestor tree. I think my implementation is slightly less efficient than it could be - particularly the sequential
loop per node where I search left in the node array to find a parent - but it worked fine for this problem.Day 8 (.fut): This problem is about determining line-of-sight, and when reading the problem description I immediately recalled Guy Blelloch discussing exactly this problem in his paper Prefix Sums and their Applications! The solution is a lovely use of minimum-scans in various directions across the grid. I think this is one problem where the bulk-parallel Futhark programming style leads to significantly nicer code than just typing out an imperative loop. I am quite happy with this one.
Day 9 (.fut): Not so difficult to do sequentially, very tricky in parallel. So tricky, in fact, that I wrote a dedicated blog post about it.
Day 10 (.fut): Normally simulating a virtual machine is a pretty sequential problem, but when the only operation is incrementing a register (associative), you can do it in parallel - including using a scan to also compute all intermediate states.
Day 11 (.fut): I see I left a comment stating “This one is Death”, but I don’t recall exactly why. The parsing is certainly messy. I managed to parallelise it partially, although it is not work efficient. Part 2 of this problem can only be solved if you recognise a certain property of prime numbers, which is not the kind of barrier I like in AoC problems (more on this in a bit).
Day 12 (.fut): First BFS of the year - or at least the first that I recognised. I suspected that BFS’s would probably crop up many times after this, so I decided to actually put together a small BFS library, but then I never used it again. Oh well.
Day 13 (.fut): Very nasty. Probably my worst solution this year. The problem is basically about defining a certain comparison function on nested lists, which Futhark is very unsuited for. I ended up writing something similar to what I would write in Haskell, but it results in excessive allocation in Futhark, due to the use of arrays instead of lists.
Day 14 (.fut): Despite the fact that falling sand simulators can actually be parallelised quite nicely, AoC problems tend to prefer a simpler model of sand physics that invariably requires a sequential algorithm. Only the input parsing is parallel here. Also uncovered a compiler bug.
Day 15 (.fut): Lovely combination of various map-reduces. Seems a bit slow, so I’m probably missing some mathematical trick, but that’s OK - you don’t have to be good at mathematics if you
are beautifulhave an expensive GPU.Day 16 (.fut): This problem was about finding a needle in an astronomically large haystack - a heuristic search, basically. You simply cannot solve this without doing something clever and nonobvious. I did not like this problem at all, and many of my friends and colleagues stopped at this point (see also the break in the global stats). I’m sure this problem was fun for people who care about the competitive part of AoC, or who have enough practice with programming puzzles to quickly come up with a workable heuristic, but for me the social aspect of AoC is lost when the problems become so time-consuming that the people around me no longer have the time to participate.
Day 17 (.fut): Tetris simulation. The most sequential of them all. Solution of part 2 depends on detecting fixed points using a heuristic. I was very worried at this point that the remaining AoC problems would all be trick puzzles (although it turned out that the remaining problems, with one exception, were absolutely delightful).
Day 18 (.fut): I should probably have used a BFS for this one, but I used a stencil instead! Definitely a brawns-over-brains case, but I feel that I abused stencils less this time than in 2018.
Day 19 (.fut): Similar to Day 16, although slightly easier. I was really tired of these kinds of problems, so I didn’t bother tweaking my heuristic much. This has the slowest runtime of all my solutions (about 7s in parallel on my machine), partially because my state deduplication is very crude (constant sorting).
Day 20 (.fut): Shifting elements around in a circular sequence. The most elegant way of implementing this is with doubly-linked lists, so I used arrays and crude index arithmetic. Not elegant, not efficient, and not meaningfully parallel. Still fun, though.
Day 21 (.fut): This problem is about evaluating an expression tree. My implementation is parallel but not efficient, as I repeatedly inspect all nodes to see whether their children have computed a value yet. The second part is (essentially) about finding a value such that the formula becomes zero. I solved this with Newton’s Method and Futhark’s recent support for Automatic Differentiation, which is extremely overkill, but made this one of my favourite problems this year. It’s always nice when you get an excuse to pull out the fun toys.
Day 22 (.fut): Folding a cube and then walking around on its surface. Inherently sequential. I’m not very experienced at programming with coordinate space transformations, so my solution is quite hacked-up.
Day 23 (.fut): Best solved with a stencil, so of course I used a (sort of) spatial data structure instead. Very enjoyable and with lots of meaningful parallelism (even if my constant work to maintain the spatial structure is not very efficient).
Day 24 (.fut): Also very delightful. Essentially a BFS through a cylinder, where each cross-sectional slice of the cylinder can be computed in constant time from the initial slice.
Day 25 (.fut): Straightforward map-reduce. Gave me a reason to consider how to convert to bases where digits can be negative, which I’ve never had a chance to do before.
I am overall pleased with my implementations. Also, I encountered far fewer compiler bugs this year than in 2018, so it seems that Futhark is actually getting better. I think it is a shame that Day 16 (and probably 19) weeded out so many participants, because the following problems were much more tractable and fun.