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Cost models are contracts

Posted on January 27, 2022 by Troels Henriksen

The most precise way of determining the performance of a program is running it and measuring how long it takes. Unfortunately, this tells us nothing about how the program will behave on different workloads or on another machine. Also, profiling your code all the time is very tedious.

Instead, programmers use a cost model to reason about the performance of their code in a more general manner. We usually (but not always) disregard small constants, and use big O notation to describe the asymptotic behaviour of a program’s runtime relative to the workload. Most cost models tend to be informal and even unstated. Every day we reason in terms of assumptions such as “all primitive operations take constant time” and “loops execute their iterations one after another”. These assumptions may seem obvious or unavoidable, and most programmers are probably not even aware that they are employing a cost model at all. Formalising precisely what it means for performance that a; b runs first a and then b may seem like pointless academic puffery. However, in more complicated operational settings, when we add concepts such as parallelism, concurrency, or nondeterminism, it stops being intuitive just how fast some program will be, and writing down a precise cost model can be quite useful academic puffery. This also helps programmers and algorithm designers reason about performance without focusing on specific machines or implementations. The cost model becomes a contract: by applying its rules, we get a (usually asymptotic) bound on the “cost” (usually runtime) of a program. A language implementation promises that when the program is run in practice, it must be behave at least as well as promised by the cost model. Now, I’m an idealist hacker and the word “contract” does sound unpalatably business-like to me. But ultimately a contract is really a promise, and I don’t mind making promises to my friends.

We intend to specify Futhark in terms of a fairly simple language-based cost model, although we’re not all the way there yet. In this post I will show some examples to illustrate the idea, demonstrate how the rules can be used to communicate crucial operational properties and restrictions, and finally show how simple cost models (as the one we’ll see here) are not able to express things that are almost always true, but cannot be guaranteed. Cost models are contracts, which means that we should not break them, but we should make sure to read the fine print. We’ll also look at some cases where I think a full formalisation of the cost model actually ends up inhibiting readability of the details that matter to a programmer. I’m still not quite sure myself how to use the cost model in documentation.

A language-based cost model for Futhark

First, let us discuss the idea of a compositional language-based cost model (I promise this is the longest italicised term in this post). The idea is to define a cost function W(e) that for some expression e tells us the “cost” of evaluating e. For now this “cost” will be the total amount of work needed, but it could in principle be any quantity (e.g. peak memory usage), and we’ll see a more exotic cost function later.

As a starting point, we define that evaluating a constant requires constant work:

W(k) = 1

Evaluating an addition x+y requires us to evaluate the left-hand-side, the right-hand side, and finally perform the addition itself:

W(x+y) = W(x) + W(y) + 1

Defining the cost of an expression in terms of the cost of its subexpressions is what makes our model compositional: the cost of an expression does not depend on its context. This allows us to analyse the cost of a program in small pieces whose results are then combined, which is much simpler than having to consider the program as a whole. The cost model is language-based because the cost function is defined directly on expressions of the user-visible language, rather than by first transforming the language to some kind of machine representation. Cost models that are neither compositional nor language-based exist, and can be useful, but they are more complicated to work with. For example, a cost model for a language such as Haskell, with lazy evaluation, probably will not be compositional and language-oriented, since the cost of a term is constant until its value is needed, which depends on how it is used. You’d probably need some kind of machine model to track that.

Even though we have defined just two trivial rules so far, we have already introduced an interesting detail: the cost of an addition does not depend on the value being added. This implies that numbers must be bounded in size - an implementation that transparently used bignums would not be faithful to the contract. And indeed, Futhark’s built-in number types are all of fixed size.

Now let us consider an expression where the cost model does depend on a value at runtime. The expression iota e creates an array of e elements. If we denote the value resulting from evaluating an expression e as eval(e), we can describe the cost of iota e as:

W(iota e) = W(e) + eval(e)

This means that creating the array of n elements takes O(n) time. This allows an obvious implementation strategy: allocate the array and write each of the values. But what if we instead defined the cost like this?

W(iota e) = W(e) + 1

Now no matter the size of the array we produce, the cost is the same. This also suggests an implementation strategy: instead of actually constructing the array in memory, represent it symbolically (or lazily) as just its size. This works because the element at position i of an iota array is exactly i. Generally, when we define a cost model for a language, we are free to promise whatever we want, but each promise makes the language more difficult to implement. Nothing prevents us from defining a language where everything is specified to take constant time, but we might find it challenging to write a compiler that upholds that contract. This is why Futhark’s iota specifies work linear in the size of the resulting array. In most cases, the compiler will do better than this, and not actually manifest the array in memory, but there are edge cases where it is not practical to guarantee constant cost. I’ll return to this later, but first I want to talk about parallelism.

A parallel cost model

Work is not the only measure of cost we can define for a language. Space usage is also an obvious candidate. But for parallel languages such as Futhark, the most interesting measure is the span. Intuitively, the span S(e) of an expression e is the length of the longest path in the data dependency graph that occurs during execution. Or put another way, the length of the longest chain of sequential dependencies. On an infinitely parallel computer, we can execute a program with span s in s steps. While we don’t have infinitely parallel computers available to us (and if we did, they’d all be stuck in cryptomining farms anyway), Brent’s Lemma tells us that we can simulate an infinitely parallel computer on a finitely parallel computer, with overhead proportional to the amount of parallelism that we are “missing” relative to what the program could potentially exploit. This means that we can use the span of a program as a theoretical model for quantifying “how parallel” a program or algorithm is in principle, and expect that this is directly connected to how it will run on a real parallel computer.

Let us take a look at what a parallel cost model looks like for Futhark. First, the span of constants:

S(k) = 1

Unsurprisingly, constant. Addition is more interesting, as we have a choice to make. One choice is to define the span like this:

S(x+y) = S(x) + S(y) + 1

This suggests an implementation that first evaluates x to completion, then y to completion, then performs the addition - just as in a sequential language. Essentially we are told the very useful piece of information that addition operator application is not a source of parallelism. Now consider another equally valid way of defining the span:

S(x+y) = max(S(x), S(y)) + 1

This tells us that the span is the maximum of the span of x and y. This requires an implementation that evaluates x and y in parallel, waits for both of them to finish, and then performs the addition. Such a strategy is perfectly valid in a pure language such as Futhark, where expressions cannot have side effects, and any evaluation order is valid.

So which of these rules for x+y do we actually define for the Futhark cost model? Even though Futhark is a parallel language, and so it seems tempting to maximise parallelism even in the cost model, we actually pick the former rule, the one that does not promise parallel evaluation of the operands. This is because cost models are contracts. They are not for pointing out what can be done, they are for pointing out what must be done: what the programmer can absolutely rely on, and use to describe the asymptotic complexity of their programs. In practice, ensuring efficient parallel execution of everything that could in principle be executed in parallel is is very difficult. Efficiently scheduling huge quantities of tiny unstructured and heterogeneous nuggets of parallelism would be a major research and engineering challenge. So despite parallelism definitely being the point of Futhark, there are actually very few language constructs that promise parallel execution, with map being the most important one. A cost model is a clear and precise way of communicating such details to the programmer.

The cost functions above are quite simple. If we also want to handle variable bindings, we need either symbol tables or substitution semantics. For example, we might define the work of a let-binding like this:

W(let x = e1 in e2) =
  W(e1) + W(e2[x↦eval(e1)])

This says that the cost is the cost of e1, plus the cost of e2 after we first replace any instances of x with the result of evaluating e1 (in principle we’d also need to define the evaluation semantics for eval(e1) to be meaningful).

The rules get more complex, but not more interesting, as we introduce other binding constructs such as pattern matching. If we want loops, we need to incorporate fixed points of some kind into our cost functions. This can get quite technically hairy, and while necessary if we want to fully formalise or mechanise the cost model, it is not really useful when using the cost model as part of language or library documentation. You can have a perfectly accurate intuition for something, only to have your confidence shaken by seeing someone typing it up precisely with a bunch of Greek letters. I’m not quite sure where to draw the line in documentation meant for humans. Maybe documenting the cost model in terms of a simplified subset, and then letting the cost of the full language be the “intuitive” extension? This can perhaps work, but I’m not yet sure how to extend it to higher-order functions such as map.

The cost of map

So speaking of map, let us consider how to specify its cost, starting with the work. Suppose the expression is map f x. Intuitively, we must evaluate f (which can be an expression that produces a function value) and x, and then sum the cost of applying the function to every element of x. Then we define the work of map f x:

W(map f x) = W(f) + W(x) + sum({W(f x[i]) for x[i] in x})

This is not too bad, since we can precisely specify exactly which arguments f will be applied to. Note that we have not actually defined a rule for the cost of the function application f x[i] in this post. It looks much like the one for let-bindings, and is not otherwise interesting.

Now let’s consider the span:

S(map f x) = S(f) + S(x) + max({S(f x[i]) for x[i] in x})

This suggests an implementation strategy: Launch a thread for every element of x and wait for each thread to finish, which means the total time will be the time of the slowest application. This is really useful information, since it also tells the programmer that load-imbalanced maps are a bad idea: they will run at the speed of the slowest element. In practice, oversubscription and automatic load balancing may reduce the impact, but this is not a promise made by the cost model. This guides us in the way we write programs.

Interestingly (or embarrassingly), the GPU backends of the Futhark compiler actually break this contract. Since our flattening algorithm currently only supports regular nested parallelism, any inner instances of map will be sequentialised if their size is variant to any of the outer parallel levels. If we wanted to express this in the cost model, it would no longer be compositional, since the span of an expression would depend on where it appears. Improving the compiler to support full flattening when needed is part of the plan, and the multicore backends faithfully implement the cost model right now.

Another interesting case is reduce op ne x, which reduces an array x with the binary operator op that has neutral element ne. What is the span of a reduction? If you took our course you will know that for an array of length n, the span ought to be log(n), but what if the reduction operator itself does not have constant cost? For map we could easily enumerate all the arguments that we passed to the function f, but the reduction operator op will be applied not just to elements of the array x, but also to results of previous applications of op. And the precise values depend on the specific order of evaluation used by whatever reduction algorithm the language implementation happens to use, which is something we definitely don’t want to specify in the cost model (see here for some different ways of implementing reduction in Futhark). Almost no reduction operator will actually be ill behaved (most of them do constant work on scalars), but cost models are contracts, so we should be sure we do not promise too much. Currently, this is the best I can come up with:

S(reduce op ne x) = S(op) + S(ne) + S(x) + log(length(eval(x))) * W(op a b)

where a and b are those hypotehtical values that would lead to the slowest possible execution of op a b. In parts of the documentation you might also see that we simply say W(op) and understand this to mean the worst-case cost of applying op to whatever it happens to encounter during execution. We also tend to not mention the cost of evaluating the reduce arguments ne and x, as this is obviously needed and always the same, and so not particularly interesting.

The reason I am so concerned with reduce (and don’t want to make it too complicated) is that there is actually something very interesting in the above rule that risks disappearing among the bookkeeping: the span of reduce op ne x depends on the work of op! This tells us precisely that Futhark’s reduce does not exploit any parallelism in the reduction operator! That can be quite important to a programmer.

This decision could have been made differently, but was picked to nudge the programmer in the direction of writing code that is easy to execute efficiently on a parallel machine. While is is possible to implement reduce such that it can exploit inner parallelism in the reduction operator (and you can do so yourself), it is tricky to do so efficiently, and in most cases not worth it.

The even finer print

A cost model is a contract that makes promises about the worst case. Unfortunately, there are some language constructs that are almost always asymptotically faster than in the worst case. For example, the reverse function is actually implemented by returning a view of the array, not by allocating space for a new array and copying the array elements in reverse order. This means reverse runs in constant time no matter the size of the array.

In Futhark, views are not part of the type system. To the user, reverse returns an array. Inside the compiler, such views are implemented by tweaking how arrays are mapped to memory blocks. If ys=reverse xs, then both xs and ys are associated with the same piece of memory, but differ in the index function that maps array indexes to memory offsets. Such index functions are not stored dynamically as part of the array, but are a piece of compile-time information that is used to generate the actual index calculation code during code generation. (This reminds me that we should really write a post on Futhark’s internal array/memory representation some day - it’s quite nifty, especially after Philip Munksgaards improvements).

Unfortunately, there are some cases where those array views cannot be maintained and we are forced to manifest the array in memory. One case is when the array is returned from an entry point. Another is when it is returned from an if branch where the array returned by the other branch uses a substantially different index function (typically this requires heavy abuse of all of flatten/unflatten/transpose/rotate). Although these cases may be uncommon, we should still be careful to make only promises that we keep. I see two options:

  1. Specify the cost of reverse, transpose and similar index transformations as having cost proportional to the size of the array, suggesting that they actually perform copies.

  2. Specify that the cost of if and every similar construct has cost proportional to the size of the arrays they return, as this might force manifestation of views.

Option 2 is attractive because it places the cost where it operationally actually happens. However, I think option 1 is actually more elegant, because the cost is more directly associated with the construct that produces a value. Further, in almost all cases where we use an array view, we soon after perform some operation (such as maping the array) that has at least the same cost as a copy, so at a program level, the total asymptotic cost will be the same. Also, option 1 allows for naive implementations (such as our very own interpreter) that don’t bother with any of this “view” business and just put together the new array as instructed.

This is a distinction that it is unfortunately difficult to be precise about: when making promises we must talk about the worst case, and I don’t know of a simple way to precisely quantify that the common case is much faster. We could certainly formalise it fully, but I don’t think the resulting model would look very simple. A promise is no good if the recipient does not understand what is being promised.