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Source file: matrix-multiplication.fut

Matrix multiplication

Futhark has no builtin operator or function for multiplying matrices. Indeed, it does not have matrices as a distinct type at all. Instead, matrices are represented simply as two-dimensional arrays of some type that supports multiplication and addition. We can write a function for multiplying integer matrices via the usual map/reduce constructs:

def matmul_i32 [n][m][p] (A: [n][m]i32) (B: [m][p]i32) : [n][p]i32 =
  map (\A_row ->
         map (\B_col ->
                reduce (+) 0 (map2 (*) A_row B_col))
             (transpose B))

We can also write a polymorphic higher-order function that encapsulates the general pattern:

def matmul [n][m][p] 'a
           (add: a -> a -> a) (mul: a -> a -> a) (zero: a)
           (A: [n][m]a) (B: [m][p]a) : [n][p]a =
  map (\A_row ->
         map (\B_col ->
                reduce add zero (map2 mul A_row B_col))
             (transpose B))

We can then partially apply matmul to obtain a matrix multiplication function for a specific type.

def matmul_f32 = matmul (+) (*) 0f32

See also

Outer product.