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Source file: filter-scatter.fut

Scattering the result of a filter

Suppose we have a list of index/value pairs that we wish to scatter into a target array, except for those values that fail some property. We might write it like this:

def scatter_some 'a (dest: *[]a) (p: a -> bool) (pairs: [](i64, a)) =
  let (is, vs) = unzip (filter (\(_, v) -> p v) pairs)
  in scatter dest is vs

This works:

> scatter_some (replicate 10 0) (>0) [(0,2),(3,4),(5,-1)]
[2i32, 0i32, 0i32, 4i32, 0i32, 0i32, 0i32, 0i32, 0i32, 0i32]

But it is suboptimal, because filter is a costly operation. It is better to exploit the property that scatter ignores indexes that are out of bounds, and map the “removed” elements to an invalid index, such as -1:

def scatter_some_better 'a (dest: *[]a) (p: a -> bool) (pairs: [](i64, a)) =
  let (is, vs) = unzip (map (\(i, v) -> if p v then (i,v) else (-1,v)) pairs)
  in scatter dest is vs

See also

Reducing the result of a filter, Reducing or scanning without a neutral element.