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Source file: benchmarking.fut


Suppose we write a simple program that sums the squares of some integers:

def main (n: i32): i32 =
  reduce (+) 0 (map (**2) (0..<n))

We can benchmark this program by adding a test stanza to the source file (say, benchmarking.fut) that looks like this:

-- ==
-- compiled input {       1000 } output {   332833500 }
-- compiled input {    1000000 } output {   584144992 }
-- compiled input { 1000000000 } output { -2087553280 }

The output parts are optional. We then use futhark bench:

$ futhark bench benchmarking.fut
Compiling benchmarking.fut...
Results for benchmarking.fut:
dataset #0 ("1000i32"):             0.20us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 2.00)
dataset #1 ("1000000i32"):        290.00us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 0.03)
dataset #2 ("1000000000i32"):  270154.20us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 0.01)

This will use the default (c) backend. Things are more interesting with opencl:

$ futhark bench --backend=opencl benchmarking.fut
Compiling benchmarking.fut...
Results for benchmarking.fut:
dataset #0 ("1000i32"):            49.70us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 0.18)
dataset #1 ("1000000i32"):         44.40us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 0.02)
dataset #2 ("1000000000i32"):    1693.80us (avg. of 10 runs; RSD: 0.04)

See also

The manpage for futhark bench.