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Static and dynamic challenges of size types

Posted on May 12, 2023

One of Futhark’s interesting features is its size type system, by which we can express pre- and post-conditions on the shapes of arrays accepted and returned by functions. For example, a function for matrix multiplication might have the following type:

val matmul [n][m][p] : [n][m]f32 -> [m][p]f32 -> [n][p]f32

The [n][m][p] before the colon are size parameters, similar to type parameters. They indicate that the function is polymorphic in these sizes. When the function is invoked, the programmer does not directly provide arguments for these. Instead the type checker instantiates the size parameters based on the shapes of the explicit value arguments, and issues a type error if this leads to an ill-typed application - which it will if the matrices are not of compatible shapes. This is a rather handy feature for avoiding shape mismatches at runtime, which is often quite prevalent in array programs.

Size types were part of the early plans for Futhark, but did not become part of the language until 2020 - turns out a pandemic leaves you with a lot of time to hack on type systems. The system as first implemented had one major restriction: sizes had to be constants or variables, rather than arbitrary expressions. This meant that the system could not represent the “natural” type scheme of concat:

val concat [n][m] 't : [n]t -> [m]t -> [n+m]t

Instead, we were forced to assign it a less precise existential size:

val concat [n][m] 't : [n]t -> [m]t -> ?[k].[k]t

As the name implies, this means that the function will return an array of some size, but that size cannot be known until the function returns, whereupon you can inspect the actual array value it produces. Such existential sizes are a necessary feature for functions such as filter, where the size of the result is truly unpredictable, but for concat it is unfortunate. As an example of why this is not ideal, consider a function such as zip, that expects two arrays of the same size:

val zip [n] 'a 'b : [n]a -> [n]b -> [n](a,b)

Now suppose we have arrays A: [n]t, B: [n]t, C: [n]t. An expression zip (concat A B) (concat A C) will be ill-typed, because each invocation of concat will return an array with a distinct size.

As another example, consider the function iota:

val iota : (n: i64) -> [n]i64

This has a size-dependent type, because the parameter n is used in the return type. Thus, an expression iota x has type [x]i64. But since we can put only variables or constants in sizes, what do we do about an expression iota (x+y)? Our solution has been to treat the return size as existential, as in concat above, whenever it would otherwise be inexpressible.

Fortunately, this state of affairs is about to change. Lubin Bailly of ENS is interning at our department and has extended the Futhark type system to support (almost) arbitrary expressions in sizes. This seems like a good opportunity to write a blog post about some of the more subtle details of the type system - which is what you’re reading right now.

Unknown sizes

Futhark’s size types can be seen as a restricted subset of a proper dependent type system found in languages such as Idris or Agda. As Futhark is intended to be accessible to programmers who are not type system experts, it contains restrictions - and some conveniences - that make its use and implementation more tractable. I will be making comparisons with Idris, as it is useful to contrast Futhark’s somewhat idiosyncratic and specialised approach to more traditional and general designs.

One of the key concepts is the notion of an unknown size, which is used to handle existential types, which occur in the type scheme for filter:

val filter [n] 't : (t -> bool) -> [n]t -> ?[k].[k]t

An expression filter p xs will have type [m]t where m is a fresh unknown size made up by the type checker for the occasion, and replacing with the existential k in the type scheme. We know nothing about this m, and we treat it as statically distinct from all other sizes. In comparison, the similar function for vectors in Idris returns a dependent pair: a value that contains a size p and a vector of just p elements:

filter : (elem -> Bool)
      -> Vect len elem
      -> (p : Nat ** Vect p elem)

In Idris, you cannot pass a (p : Nat ** Vect p elem) to a function that expects a Vect p elem, as the types are different. This is ill-typed in Idris:

length (filter p xs)

Instead, in Idris you have to unpack the pair, bringing the size and the vector separately into scope:

let p ** v = filter p xs
in length v

Futhark’s approach can be seen as doing this automatically - packing and unpacking dependent pairs as necessary. The well-typed Futhark expression length (filter p xs) can be seen as syntactic sugar for

let [k] (v: [k]t) = filter p xs
in length v

which shows Futhark’s notation for explicit size binding. We’ll return to that in a bit.

But first, I want to return to the type of filter. I mentioned that we cannot know the size of the array produced by filter. Strictly speaking, that is not true. Suppose we have a function that counts how many elements of an array satisfy some property:

val count [n] 'a :
  (p: a->bool) -> (as: [n]a) -> i64

Exploiting the new ability to put arbitrary expressions in sizes, we can assign filter this non-existential type scheme:

val filter [n] 'a :
  (p: a->bool) -> (as: [n]a) -> [count p as]a

And indeed, there is nothing that prevents you from doing so in Futhark. In general, for any function that returns an existential size, you can slice that function into one that returns just the sizes (as count does for filter), and use that in the type of the original function. This can be used to completely eliminate existential quantification in function return sizes. In fact, this approach was used by Barry Jay in his FISh array programming language. The downside is that such a size slice can be just as expensive as the original function. Much of the research on FISh focused on reasoning about when such slices are cheap, but this would exceed Futhark’s novelty budget. In our example here, the count function is almost as expensive to compute as filter, and assigning filter the existential-free type listed above will likely require us to evaluate count every time we apply filter. This is not appropriate for a language whose main purpose is high performance execution. Still, Futhark is flexible enough that one can define existential-free functions, if you prefer that style.

Two remarks before we continue:

  1. filter p xs will of course have to compute something equivalent to count p xs internally, but it will be done in a different way (with a scan instead of a reduce), and it would take an impractical level of compiler smarts to realise that count p xs is equivalent to part of an intermediate result in the definition of filter.

  2. It’s a bit of an open question whether putting a fancy expression in a type requires us to actually evaluate that expression. In our current compilation strategy we always do that, but we don’t have a clear idea of exactly when it is strictly necessary. For now we encourage a programming style where size expressions should not be very costly - in fact, try to keep them constant time.

Dynamic challenges

Futhark’s size type system is not just a mechanism for imposing constraints on function types - it is also a mechanism for accessing the dynamic size of arrays. When we bind a size parameter, we also bring that size into scope as a variable of type i64. In fact, this is the canonical definition of length:

def length [n] 't (_: [n]t) = n

The length function ignores the actual argument value and just returns its size.

This is of course quite ordinary by dependent type standards - since types are values, we can extract values from them at runtime. It is also one of the great challenges of implementing dependently typed languages efficiently. If types can influence computation, does that then mean we have to carry around arbitrarily complex types at runtime? Idris uses quantitative type theory to allow direct reasoning about which types may be accessed at runtime, and what the compiler is allowed to erase.

In Futhark, the type system ensures that the only values you can extract from types are those that correspond directly to sizes of arrays, which you need to store at runtime in any case. Intuitively, Futhark’s size types are meant to have a simple operational interpretation: it can be seen as syntactic sugar for extracting information from values that use conventional value representations.

This functional Fortran line of thinking means that functions with types such as t -> ?[n].([n]t -> t) are not meaningful. Consider what this function is trying to say: it takes an argument of some type t, then returns a function of type [n]t -> t for some fresh unknown size n. But how are you supposed to find the actual runtime value for n so you can construct an argument of appropriate size? The only thing that knows about n is the function of type [n]t -> t, and functions are represented as black boxes - the only way to get information of them is to apply them. In particular, size bindings such as

let [n] (f: [n]t -> t) = ...

where we try to bind a size only known from a function value are not allowed.

This is a true loss in expressive power. In Idris, you could explicitly return a dependent pair containing the size and the function, but Futhark does not support dependent pairs directly. Instead, the workaround is to also return a witness for the unknown size, in the form of an array that has just that size along one of its dimensions:

t -> ?[n].([n](), [n]t -> t)

An array [n]() of unit elements requires no space at runtime, but does carry around its size, and so allows us to extract the dynamic value of the n. I wrote a blog post about an interesting use of this technique.

So that is the guiding principle of size parameters: they must actually be used as an array size, outside of function parameter or return types. We call this a constructive use, because the size is actually used as the size of a real concrete array value, from which its dynamic value can be extracted at runtime. However, at some point we realised that this is actually a bit more conservative than necessary. It is in fact sound for size polymorphic functions to have size parameters that are not used constructively, or even in any parameters at all. Consider a definition

def iiota [n]: [n]i64 = 0..1..<n

which is an “implicit iota” taking no arguments, where the context in which it is used is used to instantiate the size parameter [n]. In some sense, it is the responsibility of the caller to disambiguate what the size should be. For example, this is well-typed:

zip (replicate x z) iiota : [x](i32,i64)

We can imagine that the type checker rewrites size parameters to be explicit parameters, and then figures out an appropriate argument for each distinct use, through expression unification. That is actually just how it is implemented in the compiler. When a unique instantiation cannot be determined, the type checker will complain that the size is ambiguous.

Empty arrays

Most of the rules and semantics of size types are completely straightforward, and that is by design. The dynamic semantics of size parameters correspond to calling length on arrays in scope. Well, almost. There is a significant wrinkle in that we can also use size parameters to extract the size of an inner dimension:

def cols [n][m] (xss: [n][m]i64) = m

When we apply cols to some array that is empty (n=0), we should still retrieve the correct inner size, which might still be nonzero:

cols (replicate 0 (replicate x 0)) == x

This means that although Futhark exposes a programming model based on “arrays of arrays”, the actual representation must be more like APL, where an array stores its full dynamic shape at runtime, independent of its elements, as a “shape vector”. APL has done this since the 60s and so its implementation is hardly science fiction. Unfortunately, this approach has a thorny interaction with parametric polymorphism. Consider map:

def map [n] 'a 'b (f: a -> b) (as: [n]a) : [n]b = ...

Now suppose we use map as follows:

map (\x -> replicate m x) xs

If xs has type [n]t for some t, then the entire expression has type [n][m]t. But consider the case where n=0, meaning we are maping on an empty array xs. How is map supposed to construct the shape vector (n,m)? The map function itself has no idea what the provided function f does. In particular, map does not know that it is constructing a multi-dimensional array. Further, since the input array is empty, we cannot even apply f once to see what kind of value it is returning. And since functions are black box, we cannot query it and extract its type!

To handle this, we took another bit of inspiration from dependent type theory. At runtime, the type parameter a is bound to the actual type it has been instantiated with, including evaluating all sizes, which in the above example means a binding b=[x]t, where x is the actual integer value that m is bound to.

This is quite unusual for a language that otherwise tries to stick close to Standard ML ideals such as type erasure, but at least this quirk is not visible in the surface semantics. Also, the way the compiler actually implements polymorphism - with monomorphisation - simply turns the necessary sizes into explicit parameters. Only the interpreter needs to perform actual dynamic type passing and evaluation.

Supporting arbitrary size expressions

The idea is simple: instead of a size being a variable or constant, it can be any expression of type i64. This has required a lot of implementation work in the type checker and compilation pipeline, impressively carried out by Lubin Bailly despite his initial unfamiliarity with the compiler code. However, the things I want to discuss are language level aspects.

As we hoped, the new type scheme for concat is:

val concat [n][m] 't : [n]t -> [m]t -> [n+m]t

When we type check an expression

concat A B

where A: [e1]t, B: [e2]t, we simply substitute n⟼e1, m⟼e2 in the return type, giving [e1+e2]t, no matter how complex e1 and e2 might be. I always have a good feeling about language mechanics that ultimately boil down to substitution.

Similarly, an expression iota (x+y) is assigned the type [x+y]i64 by simply substituting the argument into the return type.

Some questions arise. First, are all expressions truly valid as sizes? As a starting point, all of them as long as they are well-typed and of type i64. However, regular readers of this column, or members of that prestigious elite who actually use Futhark, may recall that the language has a somewhat exotic feature we usually call uniqueness types. I will not go through their entire design here, but simply note that they allow expressions to “consume” variables in scope, rendering them inaccessible afterwards. Effectively, such expressions can be evaluated at most once. It is not clear what it should mean for such an expression to appear in a type, so they are banned when evaluating type expressions. Should they occur due to substitution, for example in an expression like iota (consume A), the expression will be replaced with an unknown size and the compiler issue a warning. We don’t expect this to be very common in real code.

Variables going out of scope

Another interesting question is what to do when a variable used in a type goes out of scope:

let n = e
in iota (n+1)

We cannot assign this expression the type [n+1]i64, because n is no longer in scope. There are a few options. One is substitution: just replace n with e, yielding an overall type of [e+1]i64. That is fine here, but does not work when name is bound by a case pattern or is a function parameter, because there will be no corresponding expression. (Real dependently typed languages can produce impressively incomprehensible type error in these cases.)

Another option is to create a fresh unknown size k and substitute it for the name going out of scope. The expression would then have type [k+1]i64 for some unknown size k. Unfortunately this does not work when the variable going out of scope is not of type i64. For example, it might be a function:

let f = ...
in iota (f x)

We allow unknown sizes but not arbitrary unknown values, because sizes are all we can actually extract from the array value representation. This is a core part of guaranteeing efficient compilation, as it means we never have to carry around additional metadata at runtime, beyond the actual sizes of the arrays - which is a single integer per dimension.

The final option is to turn the entire size expression into an unknown size, and thus assign the expression the type [k]i64. This is always viable, but loses information about the structure of the size.

Which of these options to use, and when, is something we are still working on. We will probably end up with a strategy where we take the option that loses as little information as possible, but it’s an open question whether this will feel unpredictable and magical to the programmer.


Finally, let us consider unification of sizes. Currently when type checking, we use a purely syntactical form of unification, meaning that if we have expressions of types

concat A B : [n+m]t
concat B a : [m+n]t

then they are considered to have different sizes, as n+m and m+n are not syntactically identical. To put it bluntly, the Futhark type checker cannot do arithmetic, and does not understand that addition commutes. This is certainly something we need to address, but we must be careful, as we can write a function such as this:

def tricky [n][m] 't (A: [n+m]t) = (n,m)

When applying this function and instantiating n and m, the order of operands to the addition really does matter to the result! Suddenly addition does not look so commutative anymore, because we can directly observe the structure of the computation, not just the result. If we allow the type checker to do arithmetic, what should this return?

tricky (zip (concat (iota n) (iota m)) (concat (iota m) (iota n)))

Truly the full employment theorem can also be justified by the endless edge cases that arise whenever you think you’ve come up with a helpful new type system feature.