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How we make the Futhark compiler crash

Posted on January 18, 2023

A compiler that generates a program that runs, but produces a wrong result, is a terrible thing to debug. Unless the generated program is very small, reading it is probably not practical, and even once you manage to spot whatever is out of place, it is often very tedious to determine the part of the compiler responsible. Various techniques exist for automating some of this, such as automatic program shrinking or using optimisation fuel to isolate problematic transformations, but this normally remains an unenjoyable experience.

It is much easier to debug compiler crashes. In these cases you can look directly at the crashing compiler code and figure out which invariants are being violated (at least if your compiler is written in a memory-safe language and why would it not be?). Of course there is still the risk that the actual bug is far away from the code that notices it - perhaps even in an entirely different compiler pass. Matters are most enjoyable if the crash and the bug are found close together.

This suggests a way of writing a compiler: It must be a fragile and sensitive thing, barely alive, such that the slightest disturbance leads to a fatal and noisy death. The ideal compiler is only just able to keep running.

So how do we instill such Freudian Thanatos in the Futhark compiler? As most compilers, the Futhark compiler is structured as a composition of passes, and the GPU compilation pipeline easily contains more than 40 passes. A pass can be seen as a pure function from program to program. The language used internally by the compiler to represent programs is similar to but not identical to the Futhark language programmed by humans. We call this language Core Futhark (in fact there is an entire family of variants of Core Futhark, but let’s keep things simple by pretending there is only just the one). Crucially, Core Futhark is a language. You can in principle write it by hand. It has a type system, and we have a type checker that checks the validity of Core Futhark programs. This brings us to the main source of Futhark compiler crashes: after every pass, we run the type checker to verify that the output of the pass is sensible. If it is not, then the compiler spits out the faulty program and terminates. Debugging can then begin by inspecting the program and figuring out how the compiler came to produce such a mishappen thing. We know that the problem must lie in the final pass preceding termination, which narrows the search considerably. (There is of course also the possibility that the type checker has a bug.)

This aggressive checking is the case even for production releases of the compiler, and it cannot be disabled. Having some kind of “linter” or “verifier” is not unusual for compilers, but running it by default is to my knowledge not standard practice.

Running a type checker after every pass is of course costly, and we’ll return to that. But what do we gain? To try to quantify this, I looked at the compiler bugs reported on our issue tracker during the past year. This resulted in a total of 36 bugs that either crashed the compiler or produced incorrect code. Of these, only 7 were of the latter kind, meaning we had 29 compiler crash bugs. 12 of these were various ad-hoc crashes - the most common symptom being a panic due to some entry missing from a symbol table. The remaining 17 were caught by the post-pass type checking - almost half of all compiler bugs reported. Of course, it is impossible to say whether these bugs would have resulted in some other kind of crash if the type checker had not been present, but I still think this shows the value of the compiler having constant self-scrutiny, and immediately falling on its sword in shame if it happens to produce an ill-typed program.

One non-quantifiable consequence of this persistent use of type checking is that whenever we added new constructs to Core Futhark, we had to think carefully about what its type rules would be. This forced us to be systematic and clear in our thinking. While the Core Futhark type system is not completely sound - in order to express certain optimisations it allows some instances of in-place updates that we do not verify completely - it has been very useful.

So what is the cost, really? Years ago I measured the performance overhead of type checking to be 20%. As part of writing this post, I figured I should check again and found that it varies from 2x to 5x overhead, depending on the program. That is a lot more than I expected. I’m actually not completely sure what has happened for the impact to be that significant. We have not added costly new analyses to the type checker, so I suspect that the main difference is that we have added a lot more small passes - and while they are perhaps individually small and fast, they do force a full round of type checking. I’ll have to look at whether we can optimise this a bit. Update from a few days later: this turned out to be a recent regression due to misplaced strictness annotations. After fixing this, overhead is about 10%.

No matter how much we optimise internal type checking, there will of course still be a cost, and switching it off will certainly speed up the compiler. Our plan is to disable it once we are certain that the Futhark compiler has no more bugs.