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The Futhark Error Index

Posted on September 24, 2021 by Troels Henriksen

Error messages are the main user interface of a compiler. Many languages are famous for the incomprehensibility of their error messages, and fewer have become famous for their quality. Rust and Elm are examples from the latter category. Now, while I would certainly like Futhark to join them, generating good error messages is hard. And the more complicated (“powerful”) you make your type system, the harder it becomes to explain to the programmer why their program is wrong, and how they should fix it. It becomes tempting to turn every error message into a language tutorial that explains every possibly relevant detail, but this is not really practical. I also have a personal preference for somewhat austere errors that don’t contain significant bottled text without pertinent information.

Rust has a nice compromise. Each class of errors is numbered, and for each error, the Rust Compiler Error Index contains an example program that causes the error, an explanation of what is wrong, and a suggested remedy. The compiler error itself can then contain merely a link to the appropriate spot in the index, which helps the novice, but also does not irritate the experienced programmer by drowning out other information. Motivated by a bug report about a particularly confusing type error, I set about constructing something similar for Futhark.

I have previously written about how Futhark is developed - namely that we need to carefully manage our limited time, and especially be careful not to increase our maintenance load. In particular, it is not realistic to maintain a stable numbering of all compiler errors the way Rust does. I just want to easily explain the errors that I suspect will confuse programmers, and easily add new explanations when new programmers report new sources of confusion. So for a start, the Futhark Compiler Error Index contains mostly errors related to uniqueness and size types. These are the novel parts of Futhark’s type system, and thus also the parts most likely to confuse programmers. Each error is identified by a distinct HTML id, which allows error messages to link directly to the explanation, e.g:

Error at test.fut:2:3-3:6:
Would consume "a", which is not consumable.

For more information, see:

Note the latest part of the URL. A released version of Futhark will replace that with the relevant version number, which prevents the link from rotting, even though we may change the error categorisation in later versions of the compiler (as long as Read The Docs stays online).

The implementation in the type checker is quite simple. This is the function that generates the error above:

notConsumable :: MonadTypeChecker m => SrcLoc -> Doc -> m b
notConsumable loc v =
  typeError loc mempty . withIndexLink "not-consumable" $
    "Would consume" <+> v <> ", which is not consumable."

So it’s very easy to add an explanation for an error. Just use withIndexLink with a distinct identifier, and add an explanation to the appropriate place in the documentation. There is not yet any automatic testing that the identifier matches anything in the manual, but I don’t expect that would be difficult to add.

In conclusion, this solution has essentially zero maintenance overhead, is stable across versions (thanks to Read The Docs, which hosts copies for all releases), and makes it easy to gradually grow an increasingly complete and (one hopes) understandable explanation of the various ways your code disappoints the Futhark compiler.