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Futhark 0.11.1 released

Posted on June 8, 2019 by Troels Henriksen

Futhark 0.11.1 has just been released to manufacturing (meaning the tarball has been uploaded). The last release announcement was for 0.10.1, despite releasing 0.10.2 a month later.

Despite months of active development, the interesting part is how little has changed in a user-visible way. The main changes are in the compiler, which now generates faster code and has fewer bugs, which is exactly the way we like it. However, since I bumped the version number from 0.10 to 0.11, there have been some breaking changes, which I am going to discuss.

Breaking changes

Futhark supports a form of implicit type parameters, called size parameters, which are most often used to impose constraints on functions. For example, that the two vectors passed to a dot product must have the same size:

let dotprod [n] (xs: [n]f32) (ys: [n]f32) = ...

The programmer does not have to manually pass the n - it is inferred from the values of the concrete parameters xs and ys.

Size constraints are currently checked dynamically, but we’d like to eventually start enforcing them at the type level. This requires us to be more precise about exactly what they mean, and remove uses whose precise semantics are hard to pin down. I’ll eventually write a detailed blog post about the work I have been doing in that direction, but for now, let’s stick to the bits of language cleanup I found necessary to perform in advance.

Size parameters can also be used to conveniently obtain the size of some parameter:

let length [n] 't (xs: [n]t) = n

This length function is polymorphic in some type t, takes an array of n such ts, and returns n.

Until this release, Futhark also supported size parameters (but not arbitrary type parameters) in lambda abstractions:

\[n] (xs: [n]i32) : [n]i32 -> ...

This was a fairly obscure feature, but it did see use - specifically, in conjunction with the built-in functions stream_map and stream_red. To quote OptionPricing.fut:

let sobol_mat = stream_map (\[chunk] (ns: [chunk]i32): [chunk][sobvctsz]f32  ->
                              sobolChunk dir_vs (unsafe ns[0]) chunk)
                           (iota num_mc_it)

stream_map has the invariant that the passed-in function must return an array of exactly the same size (in its outer dimension) that it is called with.

The above works fine as long as size annotations are just glorified assertions rather than really tying into the type system. However, it starts causing trouble when we want to verify them in the type checker, because these lambda-bound size parameters are really a form of higher-rank polymorphism, while Futhark’s type system is generally built around rank-1 polymorphism. In principle, the type of stream_map should be something like:

val stream_map [n] 'a 'b : (forall c . [c]a -> [c]b) -> [n]a -> b

But this is not valid Futhark syntax - we have no forall, and I’m not particularly inclined to introduce it. The current type is:

val stream_map [n] 'a 'b : ([]a -> []b) -> [n]a -> [n]b

So the fact that the functional argument must be size-preserving is not visible. Introducing higher-rank polymorphism just to encode this requirement seems a bit like overkill. I’d much rather give it a type like this:

val stream_map [n] 'a 'b : (f : (c: i32) -> [c]a -> [c]b) -> [n]a -> [n]b

The difference is that the chunk size is now passed as an explicit named parameter c, and the chunk array then has a type dependent on c. This also reflects that size parameters are really more of a notational convenience - the real underlying calculus uses explicit parameters. This type is not valid at the moment, but it is comparatively much simpler to support than full higher-ranked polymorphism for lambdas. For now, the type is this:

val stream_map [n] 'a 'b : (f : i32 -> []a -> []b) -> [n]a -> [n]b

And the stream in OptionPricing is now written like:

let sobol_mat = stream_map (\(chunk: i32) (ns: [chunk]i32): [chunk][sobvctsz]f32  ->
                              sobolChunk dir_vs (unsafe ns[0]) chunk)
                           (iota num_mc_it)

There is not really any loss in clarity. The only loss is that you cannot pass in a “normal” named function that uses size parameters. Considering how rare the stream functions are in Futhark programs, I feel this is a minor drawback. Therefore, lambdas no longer support size parameters.

As an even more obscure feature, size “parameters” were also supported in ordinary let-patterns:

let [n] (xs: [n]i32) = ...

This binds an array xs, and assigns its size to the fresh variable n. This feature was extremely obscure, and from what I could see had never been used outside of a few test programs. It also raised nasty questions about what constructions like the following should do:

let [n] (xs: [n][n]i32) = ...

If I find myself thinking for more than five minutes what to do with a feature that has never been fired in anger, then my policy is to just remove it, and so it was.

Performance improvements to vector reductions

There have been many small improvements to performance, but the most significant one, or at least the one that I’m most proud of, concerns reductions where the operator is some form of multidimensional array addition:

reduce (map2 (+)) (replicate m 0) xss

The above expression transforms an array xss of type [n][m]i32 into an array of type [m]i32 by adding together the vectors using vector addition. The naive translation to GPU code is fairly inefficient, because threads end up transmitting m-element vectors to each other through GPU local memory (shared memory in CUDA-land). This is particularly bad because local memory is a sharply limited resource - often no more than 48KiB is available. Thus, for larger m, we will have to use global memory, which is significantly slower.

A common trick, and something the Futhark compiler will also do automatically, is to interchange the reduce and the map, to construct an explicit segmented reduction that sums each column of xss:

map (reduce (+) 0) (transpose xss)

This is more efficient, because now the reduction is on scalars rather than vectors. Unfortunately, it can inhibit fusion. Consider the case where the array xss is first processed by some other map:

reduce (map2 (+)) (replicate m 0) (map f xss)

Since the map is feeding directly into the reduce, we don’t have to manifest the result of map f xss in memory at all - it can be fused with the reduce. This is particularly important if n is large, and can make the difference between whether the program will be able to run at all or not, because it might otherwise run out of memory. Unfortunately, if do the interchange trick above, the transpose inhibits fusibility:

map (reduce (+) 0) (transpose (map f xss))

There are some cases where you are able to move the transpose all the way out to xss itself, but it depends subtly on the structure of the function f.

This is an unfortunate issue, since reductions where the operator is a perfect map2 nest around some simple scalar operator (like +) are quite common. Therefore, I spent some time teaching the Futhark compiler how to recognise them and handle them directly. The trick is to realise that even though we have to add together n vectors of m elements each, we can actually treat it as performing m summations of n-element vectors. This is the same ideas as the interchange trick, but now done implicitly inside the reduce itself - after fusion. It means the GPU threads are now collaborating on adding together scalars, not entire vectors. This is a simple technique, and it only works when the reduction operator is exactly a map2 nest, but for those programs it is easily orders of magnitude faster than the naive approach.

Lower memory usage for maps

Consider a program that contains a map that internally constructs an array to do some intermediate work, then returns a scalar. The following is contrived, because realistic examples of this pattern tend to be rather large:

map (\x -> let tmp = [x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4]
           in i32.sum tmp)

In particular, assume that the compiler is not able to optimise away the allocation of the tmp array. Now, suppose that xs has n elements. In a naive translation, we would generate code that launches n GPU threads, and gives each of them its own distinct memory location in which to store the tmp array (these locations will be interleaved for coalescing reasons, but that’s a different story). This is a bit of a waste. If n is huge, say a hundred million, then we are launching about a thousand times more threads than necessary to saturate the GPU. This is by itself not a problem, but it is a problem that we are also using a thousand times more memory for the tmp arrays. GPUs handle over-subscription of threads well, but deal poorly with memory pressure. Of course, we do need to find space for the n-element array produced by the map, but there is no need to create room for more intermediate results than necessary to saturate the GPU.

The Futhark compiler has long handled this problem for other constructs, like reduce and scan, where the number of physical threads is bounded to some machine-specific number (typically about 2¹⁶). For map, however, we always launched a thread for every single input element, with unique allocations for intermediate results. In the new version of the compiler, we are putting a cap on the number of physical threads, and using virtualisation to make each physical thread behave like multiple logical threads. Futhark is still a bit of a memory hog, but this is a good starting point for improving the situation.