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The Present Futhark Package Manager

Posted on August 3, 2018 by Troels Henriksen

Recently I wrote a post about the need for a package manager for Futhark, and the requirements we have for it. I concluded that of all existing package managers, vgo comes closest to meeting our needs, so I set about writing a vgo-inspired package manager. This work is now done, and futhark-pkg is the result - which validates the goal that the design should be simple to implement. In this post, I will show some examples of working with futhark-pkg. It has been an important objective that the package manager is operationally transparent, so I will also show exactly what modifications it makes to the file system. Of course, this post does not contain the full package manager documentation, but it should be enough to get an idea of how it works in the common case.

Basic Concepts

A package is uniquely identified with a package path, which is similar to a URL, except without a protocol. At the moment, package paths are always links to Git repositories hosted on GitHub. In the future, this will become more flexible. As an example, a package path may be

Packages are versioned with semantic version numbers of the form X.Y.Z. Whenever versions are indicated, all three digits must always be given (that is, 1.0 is not a valid shorthand for 1.0.0).

Most futhark-pkg operations involve reading and writing a package manifest, which is always stored in a file called futhark.pkg. The futhark.pkg file is human-editable, but is in day-to-day use mainly modified by futhark-pkg automatically.

Using Packages

Dependencies can be added by using futhark-pkg add, for example:

$ futhark-pkg add

Note that there is no need to create any kind of package metadata file in advance to tell futhark-pkg about your code. Everything is created automatically as needed. The above creates a new file futhark.pkg with the following contents:

require { 1.0.0 #7d0c88e0ee0f48e620eba33d8a84ce98c44f033a

This lists one required package, with its package path, minimum required version (which is the newest version unless otherwise specified), and the expected commit hash. The latter is used for verification, to ensure that the contents of a package version cannot be changed silently.

futhark-pkg will perform network requests to determine whether a package of the given name and with the given version exists and fail otherwise (but it will not check whether the package is otherwise well-formed).

Adding a package with futhark-pkg add modifies futhark.pkg, but does not download the package files. All modifications to the local file system (except updating futhark.pkg) is done via futhark-pkg sync, which modifies lib/ based on the contents of futhark.pkg. Continuing our example:

$ futhark-pkg sync
$ tree lib
    └── athas
        └── fibs
            ├── fibs.fut
            └── fibs_tests.fut

3 directories, 2 files

The contents of an installed package are just ordinary files in the file system, and can be imported with the usual language mechanisms:

> import "lib/"
> fibs 10
[1i32, 1i32, 2i32, 3i32, 5i32, 8i32, 13i32, 21i32, 34i32, 55i32]

This leads to somewhat verbose import paths, but on the other hand, there is no magic, and no configuration necessary.

We can remove the package with:

$ futhark-pkg remove

But we will need to run futhark-sync to actually remove the files in lib/:

$ futhark-pkg sync
$ tree lib

0 directories, 0 files

The intended usage is that futhark.pkg is added to version control, but lib/ is not, as the contents of lib/ can always be reproduced from futhark.pkg. However, adding lib/ as well works just fine for people who prefer vendoring.

Upgrading Dependencies

The futhark-pkg upgrade command will update every version requirement in futhark.pkg to be the most recent available version. You still need to run futhark-pkg sync to actually retrieve the new versions. Be careful - while upgrades are safe if semantic versioning is followed correctly, this is not yet properly machine-checked, so human mistakes may occur.

As an example:

$ futhark-pkg add 0.1.0
$ cat futhark.pkg
require { 0.1.0 #d285563c25c5152b1ae80fc64de64ff2775fa733

Now let’s upgrade to the most recent version:

$ futhark-pkg upgrade
Upgraded 0.1.0 => 0.2.1.
$ cat futhark.pkg
require { 0.2.1 #3ddc9fc93c1d8ce560a3961e55547e5c78bd0f3e
$ futhark-pkg sync
$ tree lib
    └── athas
        ├── fut-bar
        │   └── bar.fut
        └── fut-foo
            └── foo.fut

4 directories, 2 files

Note that fut-foo 0.2.1 depends on, so it was fetched automatically by futhark-pkg sync.

futhark-pkg upgrade will never upgrade across a major version number. Due to the principle of Semantic Import Versioning, a new major version is a completely different package from the point of view of the package manager. Thus, to upgrade to a new major version, you will need to use futhark-pkg add to add the new version and futhark-pkg remove to remove the old version. Or you can keep it around - it is perfectly acceptable to depend on multiple major versions of the same package, because they are really different packages.

Creating Packages

A package is a directory tree (which at the moment must correspond to a Git repository). It must contain two things:

The contents of the package directory is what will be made available to users of the package. The repository may contain other things (tests, data files, examples, docs, other programs, etc), but these are ignored by futhark-pkg. This structure can be created automatically by running for example:

$ futhark-pkg init

This only works if you do not already have a futhark.pkg file in the current directory. Note also, no https://. The result is this futhark.pkg:


require {

And this file hierarchy:

$ tree lib
    └── sturluson
        └── edda

3 directories, 0 files

Note that futhark-pkg init is not necessary simply to use packages, only when creating packages.

When creating a package, the .fut files we are writing will be located inside the lib/ directory. If the package has its own dependencies, whose files we would like to access, we can use relative imports. For example, assume we are creating a package and we are writing a Futhark file located at lib/ Further, we have a dependency on the package, which is stored in the directory lib/ We can import a file lib/ from lib/ with:

import "../../athas/fut-foo/foo"

Releasing a Package

Currently, a package corresponds exactly to a GitHub repository mirroring the package path. A release is done by tagging an appropriate commit with git tag vX.Y.Z and then pushing the tag to GitHub with git push --tags. In the future, this will be generalised to other code hosting sites and version control systems (and possibly self-hosted tarballs). Remember to take semantic versioning into account - unless you bump the major version number (or the major version is 0), the new version must be fully compatible with the old.

When releasing a new package, consider getting it added to the central package list. See this page for details.

Version Selection

The package manifest futhark.pkg declares which packages the program depends on. Dependencies are specified as the oldest acceptable version within the given major version. Upper version bounds are not supported, as strict adherence to semantic versioning is assumed, so any later version with the same major version number should work. When futhark-pkg sync calculates which version of a given package to download, it will pick the oldest version that still satisfies the minimum version requirements of that package in all transitive dependencies. This means that a version may be used that is newer than the one indicated in futhark.pkg, but only if a dependency requires a more recent version.


In contrast to some other package managers, futhark-pkg does not run any package-supplied code on installation, upgrade, or removal. This means that all futhark-pkg operations are in principle completely safe (barring exploitable bugs in futhark-pkg itself, which is unlikely but not impossible). Further, Futhark code itself is also completely pure, so executing it cannot have any unfortunate effects, such as infecting all of your own packages with a worm. The worst it can do is loop infinitely, consume arbitrarily large amounts of memory, or produce wrong results.

The exception is packages that uses unsafe. With some cleverness, unsafe can be combined with in-place updates to perform arbitrary memory reads and writes, which can trivially lead to exploitable behaviour. You should not use untrusted code that employs unsafe (but the --safe compiler option may help). However, this is not any worse than calling external code in a conventional impure language, which generally can perform any conceivable harmful action.

Wrapping Up

futhark-pkg is a very simple package manager, but it makes serious sacrifices to obtain that simplicity. First of all, it is unclear whether minimal version selection will work in practice in the long term. Fortunately, the dependency solver is a fairly isolated component, so it can be replaced with something more elaborate if necessary. Second, futhark-pkg does not have a fully thought-through mechanism for handling packages that get renamed. And finally, it would be nice if packages were not restricted to GitHub. That should not be hard to fix, however.

The only way to determine whether futhark-pkg is useful is to use it. To this end, we have have written a handful of packages (mostly extracted from existing benchmark programs), and built futhark-docbot, which uses a combination of futhark-pkg and futhark-doc to automatically populate an index of known Futhark packages along with hyperlinked documentation. It works quite well, and was easy to implement. Hopefully more tooling will be just as easy to add. In particular, I would like a tool that can test whether a new version of a package breaks compatibility with an old version, and if so suggests a major version bump instead of a minor.