Main libraries
- lib/
Statistics functions parameterised over the concrete representation of reals.
Supporting libraries
- /prelude/ad
Definitions related to automatic differentiation.
- /prelude/array
Utility functions for arrays.
- /prelude/functional
Simple functional combinators.
- /prelude/math
Basic mathematical modules and functions.
- /prelude/prelude
The default prelude that is implicitly available in all Futhark files.
- /prelude/soacs
Various Second-Order Array Combinators that are operationally parallel in a way that can be exploited by the compiler.
- /prelude/zip
Transforming arrays of tuples into tuples of arrays and back again.
- lib/
Irregular segmented operations, like scans and reductions.
- lib/
A non-comparison-based sort that sorts an array in O(k n) work and O(k log(n)) span, where k is the number of bits in each element.