-- # Basic use of literate Futhark -- -- The ``futhark literate`` command translates Futhark programs to -- Markdown files. Specially formatted comments, called *directives*, -- are replaced with executing parts of the program. The purpose of -- literate Futhark is to write small example -- programs with quick visualisations and such. -- -- For example, let us define a function for generating a linearly -- spaced vector: def linspace (n: i64) (start: f64) (end: f64) : [n]f64 = tabulate n (\i -> start + f64.i64 i * ((end-start)/f64.i64 n)) -- With an evaluation directive, we can show what it evaluates to: -- > linspace 10i64 0f64 10f64 -- > linspace 10i64 5f64 10f64 -- If you look at the [source file](literate-basics.fut), you'll see -- that that the results are not part of what I wrote. Those are -- automatically inserted by ``futhark literate``. -- -- The expressions in the directives are not full Futhark expressions. -- Rather, they are written in a tiny subset called FutharkScript, -- which supports little besides calling top-level functions in the -- literate file. An important restriction is that all numeric literals -- must have a type suffix, as above. When we write literate files, we -- must put all nontrivial code in ordinary Futhark definitions, which -- support the full language. The Futhark part of a a literate Futhark program is -- compiled like an ordinary Futhark program. -- -- Some values are boring when viewed as arrays of numbers. def linspace_2d n start end : [n][n](f64,f64) = map (\x -> map (\y -> (x,y)) (linspace n start end)) (linspace n start end) def spirals n v : [n][n]f64 = let f (x, y) = f64.sgn (f64.cos (f64.sqrt (x**2+y**2))) in map (map f) (linspace_2d n (-v) v) -- For expressions with an appropriate type, ``futhark literate`` can -- convert them to an image: -- > :img spirals 200i64 30f64 -- Two-dimensional arrays of floats are interpreted as greyscale. A -- two-dimensional array of 32-bit integers is interpreted in RGB -- format. def colours n v : [n][n]u32 = let f (x, y) = (u32.f64 (x*y) & 0xFF) << 16 | (u32.f64 (x+y) & 0xFF) << 8 | (u32.f64 (f64.cos x-f64.sin y) & 0xFF) in map (map f) (linspace_2d n (-v) v) -- This is more colourful. -- > :img colours 200i64 30f64 -- Using the `:img` directive, we can draw whatever we want. -- However, if we just want to plot the value of some function, it -- would be pretty awkward to implement graphing every time. def xys f n start end : ([n]f64, [n]f64) = unzip (map (\x -> (x, f x)) (linspace n start end)) def plot_sqrt = xys f64.sqrt def plot_sin = xys f64.sin def plot_cos = xys f64.cos def plot_inv = xys (1/) -- The `:plot2d` directive lets us to a quick plot of pairs of *x* and -- *y* value arrays. -- > :plot2d plot_sqrt 1000i64 0f64 100f64 -- And if we want multiple plots in the same graph, then we pass a -- record of such pairs. -- > :plot2d {sqrt=plot_sqrt 1000i64 0f64 25f64, -- sin=plot_sin 1000i64 0f64 25f64, -- cos=plot_cos 1000i64 0f64 25f64, -- inv=plot_inv 1000i64 1f64 25f64} -- The `:plot2d` directive shells out to -- [Gnuplot](http://www.gnuplot.info/). For advanced needs, such as -- 3D plotting, we can write the Gnuplot commands ourselves. def plot3d n start end : ([]f64, []f64, []f64) = let f (x, y) = let z = f64.sin(5*x) *f64.cos(5*y)/5 in (x, y, z) in unzip3 (flatten (map (map f) (linspace_2d n start end))) -- We pass in the data as a a record, and each field becomes a Gnuplot -- variable that contains the name of a data file. -- > :gnuplot {ourdata=plot3d 100i64 0f64 2f64}; -- set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10 -- set dgrid3d 100,100 -- splot ourdata u 1:2:3 with pm3d notitle -- # See also -- -- [The other Literate Futhark -- examples.](../examples.html#literate-futhark)